Stephen Shapiro, Innovation Evangelist and Business Author

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Stephen Shapiro is one of the foremost authorities on innovation culture, collaboration and open innovation. With over 20 years of innovation experience, he previously established and led a 20,000 person innovation practice at Accenture.

The first innovation opportunity Stephen spotted was the opportunity to innovate within his own life. Halfway through his 15-year tenure at Accenture, while leading the company’s business process reengineering practice, he realized he no longer wanted to be responsible for people losing their jobs. So he did exactly the opposite by building Accenture’s thriving 20,000-person process and innovation practice focused on growth and job creation.

During the past twenty years, his message to hundreds of thousands of people in forty countries around the world has focused on how to enable innovation by bringing together divergent points of view in an efficient manner.

Over the years, Stephen Shapiro has shared his innovative philosophy in books such as 24/7 Innovation and The Little Book of BIG Innovation Ideas. His Personality Poker card game that has been used by more than 50,000 people around the world to create high-performing innovation teams, and the book was selected as one of the best books on innovation by 800-CEO-READ.

Steve Shapiro’s latest book, Best Practices Are Stupid: 40 Ways to Out Innovate the Competition, has been featured on ABC News, CBS Interactive’s BNET, Southwest Airline’s Spirit Magazine, Investor’s Business Daily, and more. More About Speaker, Stephen Shapiro. . . Steve Shapiro’s work has been featured in Newsweek, Entrepreneur Magazine, O – The Oprah Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, and The New York Times. He transforms businesses such as 3M, P&G, Marriott, Nike, and Microsoft to improve their innovation practices through customized and keynote speeches, advisory engagements and other services.

Stephen is currently on the Board of Directors of National Speakers Association (NSA) and is the recipient of the Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) designation, NSA’s highest earned designation.Stephen is based in Boston, Massachusetts and loves traveling to meet his clients around the world.